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GM Petrov’s Complete Caro-Kann - Video 2

Opening: : Caro-Kann


We will see two lines in this video where white doesn't want to play d4. White can try 2.d3 and Nd2 or 2.Nc3 and 3.Nf3.
In the first line, white wants to play often g3 and some kind of reversed Kings Indian.
One of the main reasons for white to choose this is to keep more pieces on the board and avoid the long theoretical lines.
In general, the game is around equal.
In the other line with 2.Nc3, one of the main ideas is to avoid the main lines again. And if black still wants to play dxe4 and Bf5, he should be careful.
Probably the best is Bg4, and then black can both take or move Bh5 with a complicated game.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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