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GM Petrov’s Complete Caro-Kann - Video 1

Opening: : Caro-Kann


In this chapter, we will see a few rare lines for white: 2.Ne2 and 2.f4. The idea of Ne2 is to meet d5 with e5 and then white prepares in the case of Bf5 Ng3 with the tempo. After that, he wants to give a pawn with e6 and gain positional compensation because for black is not easy to develop his bishop from f8. Black can go into this line or delay Bf5 and start with the standard idea c5, Nc6, and later Bg4. In both cases, the games in around equal but complicated. After 2.f4 d5, white can go e5 and then Nf3. Black has a good play with an active bishop, and white has the f4 pawn supporting the center. More interesting is 3.Nc3 and then Nf2 later. Here white can try double fianchetto, and he has a chance to take the initiative later if black doesn't act quickly to activate his minor pieces.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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