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GM Petrov’s Attacking Ideas in the Openings - Video 10: Queen’s Gambit for Black

Opening: D43: QGD: Semi-Slav Defense


In this video, you will find a few good ideas for black to complicate the game in the Queen's gambit. 
Black can just follow the mainline, which usually is not so sharp, and after developing all the pieces, jump with the knight in e4. This allows you to exchange a few pieces and then activate the rest of your troops.
If white goes for the plan with Nge2 and 0-0-0, black has to push b5, a5, and then a4. It is essential to keep white from blocking your pawns with Na4.
Also, black can try various move orders to get into a semi-slav, where he can try to take and hold the c4 pawn. It could be right on the 4th move or later after Bg5 h6. The last option is to go with the Botvinnik system as well.
Or he can go for the Cambridge Springs line, which allows black to develop quickly by pinning the white knight.

Teacher's library (147) D43 opening

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