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GM Petrov’s 20 Endings you must master - Video 7: Rook Endgames 2

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In this video, we will see other essential rook endgames.
We start with positions rook and pawn vs. rook, where the king of the defending side is not in front of the pawn but is put with one file. Here it is crucial how advanced the pawn is; if it hasn't crossed the 5th rank, this should be a draw. If the king is cut with two files, it is already winning.
We will also look to positions with doubled pawns and very interesting endgames with 2 rook pawns, where it depends if the stronger side can put his rook behind the pawn or at least from the side he is to win.
And finally, the famous f and h pawn, or a and c. Here often, the defending side can make a draw because his king could block both pawns. 

Teacher's library (147) endgame

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