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GM Petrov’s 20 Endings you must master - Video 4: Queen vs. pawn and Knight vs. pawn

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In this video, we will learn about the endgame Queen against a pawn. When the king is far away, and the pawn has reached the second rank, you should know if this is a win or a draw. Sometimes you have to decide to go in such an endgame or choose another option instead. If the pawn is on the e, d, b, or g file, it wins. You need to deliver checks until you go behind the pawn, and then when the king goes to defend it, it should be checked from the third rank, forcing the king to move in front of the pawn. Then you start to move the king and repeat all this again until the king comes close enough. However, if the pawn is on the c, f, a, or h file, black has stalemate ideas by moving the king in the corner. Then you can win only if your king is close enough. Also, we will learn how the knight can fight against the rook pawn. The knight can even win in rare cases, but it often fights to keep the pawn from queening.

Teacher's library (147) endgame

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