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GM Petrov’s 20 Endings you must master - Video 3: Knight and Bishop vs. Knight

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In this video, we will learn one of the most challenging tasks in the endgame: how to deliver mate with knight and bishop. Even strong GMs have to sweat if they don't remember the pattern of how to do it. You will see few examples of this in the video. When the things in the endgame became clearer, every player tries to avoid this if he has other plans to win. It's always better to keep some pawns and promote one of them, but sometimes there is no other way, and you have to do the dirty job. The main thing to remember is that you have to try to bring your opponents' king in the corner of the same color as your bishop. Of course, he will try to move to the other colored corner, and you have to know how to stop it.

Teacher's library (147) endgame

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