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GM Petrov’s 10 Sharp Lines to become a Blitz Wizard - Vd8: The Scandinavian Defense

Opening: B01: Scandinavian Defense (Center Counter Defence) 1...d5


In this video, GM Marian shows you a couple of lines in the Scandinavian defense.
In the line with Qxd5 and Qa5, instead of playing a standard move like Nf6, black has a very sharp move which is e5.
White is usually not well prepared for this, and black has a very clear plan in most lines. For a blitz game, this is crucial. The idea is to play Nc6, Bb4, and Bg4. The move order can vary. Then in the mainline black must know to meet a3 with Nd4 with significant complications.
The other line is after 2...Nf6 when white goes for 3.c4. Now black has a positional plan with c6 or a sharper one with e6. Here white can play d4 quickly, but after Bb4 and Qe7, black has a dangerous initiative.

Teacher's library (147) B01 opening

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