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GM Petrov’s 10 Sharp Lines to become a Blitz Wizard - Vd4: French Advance variation

Opening: C02: French: Advance Variation


In this video, GM Marian will show you one exciting line against the French defense.
In the advanced line with e5, white can sac the central pawn on d4 to develop faster and try to take the initiative.
The good thing is that if black goes for the setup with Nc6 and Qb6, he has to take the pawn; otherwise, he can't develop.
Then there are many lines, some of them forced. I think white is not risking a lot as he always has at least compensation for the pawn.
Black can grab the second pawn on e5, and then he has to be very well prepared to get away with it.
And as usual, for a blitz game going into a sharp line where you are under pressure always takes some time to think from your opponent, so it will give you a crucial advantage in the game.

Teacher's library (147) C02 opening

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