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GM Petrov: Surprise Repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5, 2.Nf3 - Video 5: 2…f5

Opening: C40: Latvian counter-gambit


This video will show a more popular line, the Latvian counter-gambit. Black is trying to play the King's gambit with a tempo down, and we know that this is a bit risky even with White. White has several options depending on how well it is prepared. Some people just go 3.Nc3 or d4, but that is fine for Black. Quite popular is 3.Bc4, and then there are very sharp lines. One of the main lines for White is 3.exf5, but still, Black is doing well. The option is 4.Nxe5, and Black must be cautious if White knows the correct plan.

Teacher's library (147) C40 opening

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