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GM Petrov: Surprise Repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5, 2.Nf3 - Video 3: 2…Bc5

Opening: C40: King's knight opening


Probably from all the lines in the course, this is the most suspicious, but White has to know why. Even strong GMs are missing the best option, which we can find in the database. White has many options, and the main is Bc4 or d4, which are more common as White wants to play like in the Italian or Scotch. He can also take Ne5, but maybe some people think this is like the Petroff defense. Actually, it's not because here, d4 comes with a tempo for White. So White should take. After that, Black has many options, as we will see. The sharpest is with Qh4, and White has to know what to do as there are some lines where even he can be in trouble quickly. If White develops, Black should start with d6 and then play like in the Italian. But here, instead of going at some point Nc6, he has the option of c6 preparing d5 and then Nd7, which is more flexible. Overall this line is okay only for blitz or rapid games.

Teacher's library (147) C40 opening

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