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GM Petrov: Surprise Repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5, 2.Nf3 - Video 2: 2…Qe7

Opening: C40: Gunderam Defense


In this video, we see a line where black goes 2...Qe7. This is an improvement over the line with Qf6. The main difference is that black keeps the option for Nf6. Again white has the same choice as the other line. But now, in the case of 3. d4, black actually has a choice. Most people just go d6 and then c6 and Nf6. But black can just take exd4 as e4 is hanging, and after Qd4 Nc6, black is just fine. In the lines with 3.Nc3 c6 d4 d6 Bc4 black often has to insert h6 to stop Ng5. Then he can go Nf6; after that, many people even go Qc7 and Be7. That will be just a version of Philidor without one tempo. As well, black can try g6 and Bg7. Even if white goes for h3, black can just go after h6 g5 and Rg8 looking for g4 and then attack.

Teacher's library (147) C40 opening

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