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GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 9

Opening: A17, E29, E21: English (1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6), Nimzo-Indian: Samisch, Nimzo-Indian, three knights variation

Player(s): Illescas, Dgebuadze, Bronstein, Najdorf, Botvinnik, Reshevsky, Canela

Is it always bad to get doubled pawns in the opening? GM Miguel Illescas teaches us that there is a big difference between simply doubled pawns and isolated double pawns. By using mostly the Ruy Lopez pawn structure, and some brilliant examples, in this lesson we will learn how to deal with doubled pawns. Don't miss another amazing Chess Strategy Lesson!

Teacher's library (84) A17 E29 E21 Illescas Dgebuadze Bronstein Najdorf Botvinnik Reshevsky Canela game analysis

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