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GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 11

Opening: E49, A17: Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 - Botvinnik system, English opening: 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6

Player(s): Botvinnik, Capablanca, Illescas, Kamsky

In this video, we are going to study the importance of the pawn structure when preparing a plan. It is well known that in open positions the most important thing is piece play. However, in closed or semi-closed positions we have to work long-term plans and it is necessary to examine the pawns structure to see what breaks are available, compare the open columns for each side, and very important: to see which different pieces each side has because this will help us find the best strategical ideas.

Teacher's library (84) E49 A17 Botvinnik Capablanca Illescas Kamsky midgame

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