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GM Joel’s Need to Know Basics - Video 3

Opening: E11, C77: Bogo-Indian Defense (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 Bb4+), Ruy Lopez: Morphy defence

Player(s): Van der Sterren, Benjamin, Zhang, Hao, Garcia Palermo

How many times have we found ourselves staring at the board, with an apparently easy position, without having the faintest idea of how to proceed? We know that the win is there, but it's impossible to come up with the right idea, probably only for we don't know the technique to pull out the win. And here is YOUR video-series, then! Joel makes you understand how to tackle a position, with his incredible and super-clear way to explain chess ideas and concepts. Don't miss this new, exciting, and useful feat by GM Joel Benjamin! Watch the videos to get your game one of five notches up.

In the third video of the series, GM Benjamin keeps explaining to us how to handle rook endings, this time when there is a pawn with a rook in front of it. These are positions that everyone should know, as they can make the difference between bringing home the whole point or only half of it. Sounds like boring stuff? Try following his advice in the video, and you'll see that it's not boring at all!

Teacher's library (453) E11 C77 Van der Sterren Benjamin Zhang Hao Garcia Palermo endgame

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