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GM Davorin Kuljasevic’s “Develop Your Counter-intuitive Thinking!” - Unusual Pieces Maneuvers

Opening: A07, E39, D27, C54, C68:

Player(s): Oparin, Kobalia, Wojtaszek, Lalith, Kozul, Zaja, Kramnik, Krasenkow, Vachier-Lagrave, Carlsen

Throughout the course of a chess game, we routinely look for piece maneuvers as a way to improve positions of our pieces or to solve other positional problems. To find such maneuvers, we tend to rely on well-known positional patterns. However, we need to keep our minds open for unusual, counter-intuitive, piece maneuvers because from time to time such moves turn out to be the best solution in the position. In this video, we take a look at 5 game fragments with such examples. Some unusual motifs that we will see are: retreating developed piece to its initial square, putting the knight in the corner, putting the rook on a closed file, and voluntarily losing a tempo.

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Teacher's library (69) OFFICIAL COURSE 10 A07 E39 D27 C54 C68 Oparin Kobalia Wojtaszek Lalith Kozul Zaja Kramnik Krasenkow Vachier-Lagrave Carlsen game analysis

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