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GM Davorin Kuljasevic’s “Develop Your Counter-intuitive Thinking!” - Counter-intuitive Tactical Ideas

Opening: A04, D37, C41, C50, B90: Reti, QGD, Philidor, Giuoco Piano, Sicilian Najdorf

Player(s): Paiva, Beukes, Petran, Farago, Plenkovic, Markus, Lagarde, Kuljasevic, Navara, Wojtaszek

Tactics are the favorite part of the game for many people because they involve attractive variations, direct calculation and, often, sacrifices in order to exploit some drawback in opponent's position. They are very important because they allow us to win material, obtain a decisive attack or a winning position. For these reasons everyone is well-trained in tactics: we solve tactical puzzles, learn typical tactical motives, and patterns. One aspect of tactics which is not that easy to train is finding unusual, counter-intuitive, tactical ideas. While some players have a natural tactical vision or imagination that allows them to spot such ideas quickly, it is a skill that can be trained by solving many different types of tactical puzzles and endgame studies.

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Teacher's library (69) OFFICIAL COURSE 10 A04 D37 C41 C50 B90 Paiva Beukes Petran Farago Plenkovic Markus Lagarde Kuljasevic Navara Wojtaszek game analysis

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