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GM Davorin Kuljasevic’s “Develop Your Counter-intuitive Thinking!” - Fearless King

Opening: D38, B08, D37, D02:

Player(s): Lenderman, Gareev, Ivanchuk, Wei, Anton, Petrosian, Korobov, Castellanos Rodriguez, Sedlak, So

The King is a piece that we are entrusted to protect, especially in the opening and middlegame when the opponent's attacking resources are huge. For this reason, we rarely think of playing actively with it until the endgame. However, there are situations in which the king can take a much more active role than usual, despite the apparent dangers that it is, or may be, facing. In this video, we will see 5 brilliant examples of fearless kings. In the first two instructive examples, the king will boldly move forward to defend itself; in the next two, it does so as a part of a deep strategic plan, while in the last one it even becomes an attacking piece itself!

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Teacher's library (69) OFFICIAL COURSE 10 D38 B08 D37 D02 Lenderman Gareev Ivanchuk Wei Anton Petrosian Korobov Castellanos Rodriguez Sedlak So game analysis

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