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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - The Importance of Modern Middlegame Tabiyas - Video 3

Opening: C96: Ruy Lopez - Closed 8...Na5

Player(s): Aravindh, Saric, Nakamura, Nisipeanu, Topalov, Anton Guijarro, Akopian, Postny, Djukic, Blagojevic

The Ruy Lopez (Spanish opening) is one of the most important openings in chess. Many strong players and coaches suggest playing it with either color because this experience enriches one's general understanding of typical middlegames, pawn structures, piece maneuvers, attacks, etc. Therefore, including this opening into the course on typical middlegame tabiyas was a no-brainer. Among many interesting Ruy Lopez positions, I decided on one of the oldest tabiyas - the Chigorin variation - to showcase the wealth of typical middlegame ideas in the Ruy Lopez. Download HERE the PGN file with the games.

Teacher's library (69) C96 Aravindh Saric Nakamura Nisipeanu Topalov Anton Guijarro Akopian Postny Djukic Blagojevic midgame

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