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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Pawns are the Soul of Chess - Video 11

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Chapter 11 – Pawn play in defense

Even as beginners, we are taught that the best way to defend against the opponent’s attack is to keep as many pawns in front of our king as possible. It is rarely recommended to push these pawns forward since any advance could provide the opponent with a hook for the attack and leave the king more exposed. If we keep our pawns at home, the opponent usually has to make an extra effort to open the king by launching a pawn storm or sacrificing his pieces.

However, sometimes going precisely against this common-sense principle will help you protect the king better! As we will see in this chapter, it is possible to defend the monarch by charging forward with its protectors in certain situations. Such unexpected moves often psychologically affect the opponent, as I can confirm from my own experience.

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