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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Pawns are the Soul of Chess - Video 10

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Chapter 10 – Pawn play on the flank

There are many typical situations in a chess game when we can effectively use our pawns on the flanks. Let’s list some of them:

  • In positions with closed center
  • In positions with fixed center
  • In positions with an open center
  • In positions where the opponent doesn’t have counterplay in the center or on the other flank
  • In endgames, to create an outside passed pawn or a weakness in the opponent’s position

In the middlegame, a pawn storm on the flank helps us launch an attack on the king or push the opponent’s pieces back and gain space in the process. We can also achieve positional goals, such as launching a minority attack to create a pawn weakness for the opponent. This chapter examines several typical scenarios, including those listed above.

Pawn attacks on the flank in front of our king are particularly interesting. The critical preconditions for this kind of attack are:

  • The center is stable or under your control
  • The opponent doesn’t have pieces or threats around your king

In such cases, you can usually freely advance the pawns in front of your king, despite the instinctive fear of weakening your position.

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