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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 5

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Video 5: Space Advantage

Space advantage often gives us an edge over the opponent because it allows us to maneuver our pieces more freely and exploit his weaknesses more easily. In most cases, space advantage implies better control over the central squares, but it can also mean we control more space on one or both flanks when the center is blocked or fixed. Either way, the key element of space advantage is the superior piece mobility over the opponent. That’s why the most fundamental guideline for positions with space advantage says: ‘Don’t trade pieces if you have extra space.’ By the same logic, the side that lacks space for their pieces is well-advised to pursue piece trades. With fewer pieces on the board, the superior side will find it more difficult to exploit their advantage, whereas the inferior side will have an easier time maneuvering their pieces in the limited space it controls. In this chapter, we will see five instructive examples to illustrate this principle. We will cover different typical central structures so that you can get a broader overview of this theme.

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