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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 4

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Video 4: Exploiting the opponent’s exposed pieces 

This chapter explores how piece trades can help us take advantage of the opponent’s exposed pieces. This can mean that the opponent’s pieces are:

  • Of low mobility
  • On the rim
  • About to get trapped
  • Inferior to an opponent’s piece of the same value

In some cases, we will forego the piece trade because the piece the opponent wanted to trade becomes exposed. Trading that piece for him would help the opponent solve the problem. In other cases, we initiate a piece trade that can highlight a defect in another opponent’s piece, such as a ‘bad’ bishop or a knight on the rim.  As a general rule, if the opponent has a misplaced piece, trading his most active pieces can help us exploit his worst piece more efficiently. Finally, we have cases when it’s important to recognize that our pieces can become exposed as a result of accepting or declining a piece trade.

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