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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Revolution Revisited - Part 3

Opening: B90: Sicilian, Najdorf

Player(s): Brodsky, Burke

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This deployment of the bishop is mainly associated with the English Attack plan of f2-f3 and g2-g4. Indeed, White has played it extensively against a variety of Black's setups to a great deal of success. One might say that the English Attack is solely responsible for the decline in popularity of the Sicilian Defense. Yet, the Najdorf keeps its circle of devotees, led by Anand, Grischuk and Nepo. The theory there has extended deep into the middlegame, and that fact alone has become a problem.

In that respect, I find the game presented in the video interesting. Two young players from the United States cross their swords in a less explored territory, as White tries to combine Q-side castling with f2-f4. Tactics abound, so enjoy the ride!

Teacher's library (718) B90 Brodsky Burke opening

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