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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Revolution Revisited - Part 26

Opening: A11: English, Caro-Kann Defensive System

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Gausel. Meyer, Lenderman, Hendrickson

Back to the modern ...Bg4 reply against my pet system. A few problems recently appeared there. a) What do do if Black sticks to his Slav Defense program and takes back with the c-pawn? The resulting exchange Slav structure doesn't leave White with a whole lot of room to try for an advantage. I tried the e2-e4 push against Gausel and got a somewhat better endgame out of it. The later game with Hendrickson, however, was less encouraging. b) In the ...exd5 variation Georg Meier demonstrated a pretty simple, yet, effective way of keeping control in the center by trading on f3 and pushing d5-d4. My attempts to counter this idea nearly amounted to a total disaster. c) NYC's own Alex Lenderman developed his bishop to c5, ruling out my main plan with Nf3-d4. The game took a different route, transposing into a standard Queen's Gambit setup with the pawn minority attack as the main feature of play. I guess, I can live with that.

Teacher's library (718) A11 Yermolinsky Gausel. Meyer Lenderman Hendrickson opening

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