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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Revolution Revisited - Part 20

Opening: B66, C43, C50:

Player(s): Karjakin, Ivanchuk, Ponomariov, Carlsen, Anand

After ending his own playing career in mid-1990's Moscow GM Makarichev turned to different pursuits. Together with his wife, Marina, they became stars of their popular chess show on Russian TV. Little less is known about Sergei's coaching efforts, yet at one time or another, he was part of both Karpov's and Kasparov's teams. In his contribution to this volume, Sergei talks about three different openings he extensively studied and played all the time. The unifying thought is in rejecting the traditional "White must play for a win" in 1.e4 e5 openings, as well as the transition away from his once beloved Richer-Rauser in favor of the Petroff Defense as a sharp opening for Black! In other words, reject the dogma and seek your own ways. Well, the Classical Sicilian is all but dead now, while the Petroff is taking heavy fire, but Sergei's visionary thinking in the quiet Italian Game (or Ruy Lopez with d2-d3) structures is all the rage now. One out of three ain't that bad when you look 30 years into the future!

Teacher's library (718) B66 C43 C50 Karjakin Ivanchuk Ponomariov Carlsen Anand opening

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