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Charles Storey’s “Positional Chess Skills” - Stereotypical Positional Advantages

Opening: E04, D79: Catalan: 5. Nf3, Neo-Grunfeld: 6.0-0 main line

Player(s): Andersson, Guyot, Roos

You have already guessed, haven't you?
And your guess is right! FM Charlies, in the ninth chapter of his fantastic series, is going to destroy another way of thinking of us poor chess players.
What is a positional stereotype?
It is a commonly understood middlegame advantage. Most of the books and videos out there teach you how to realize that in the middlegame, you've got a positional advantage, right? To make a very well-known example, if you have the bishop pair, it's considered a small but significant advantage. Or, if your opponent has weak points around his king, that's another stereotypical kind of advantage. Now, all these types of advantages, of course, exist, but there are always exceptions for each of them. So, should we renounce to a stereotypical advantage in the middle game, if our plan allows us to improve the color-coding of our pieces? Silly question, isn't it? We not only should, we actually must!

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Teacher's library (57) E04 D79 Andersson Guyot Roos midgame

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