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Improve Your Chess: First Learn End! - Damjanovic-Fischer 1970

Opening: A31: English Opening -: Symmetrical. Anti-Benoni Variation

Player(s): Damjanovic, Fischer

In his new series on endgames, NM Heisman selects GM/master games that are decided in the endgame, showing the entire game but concentrating on the endgame play. The idea is to present practical, instructive endgames of all types, not just "theoretical" positions or difficult wins, although any type of endgame may be included. These videos are aimed at players with USCF/FIDE ratings in the range of 1100-1900; however, players outside that range may benefit as well.

Today's show: In the first video of this new series, Coach Dan Heisman shows us a classic: the incredible endgame won by Bobby Fischer over Mato Damjanovic, in the Buenos Aires 1907 Tournament. Fischer scored an impressive 15/18 (with four draws and no losses!). Coach Dan shows us how endgames are not only technique, but rather stamina, resilience and, obviously, knowledge of the game. In this apparently drawn endgame Fischer tries everything in the book to take the point home, succeeding at last. Fischer said: "You don't know how to win? Well, try stuff!" Does this remind us of someone?

Teacher's library (484) A31 Damjanovic Fischer endgame

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