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***** WHO ******   

Command : who
  Usage : who [...]
Options : a b c C d D f g L n o r R s S T U v w z * & 1 2 3  -
Examples: "who T"
          "who *H"
          "who g205"
          See "help who2" for a list of examples.

The command "who" prints current ICC users. The format of the output is
controlled by various flags.  Here is a typical result of a "who" command:

2997 kanza(IM)         2416 Me-better  2195 pirtti    2056^BDuck          
2900.B-Alterman(GM)    2364:butte      2193^Gauner    2051^Highland       
2885.MASLAKKOSTIA(IM)  2360^Borges     2193.leovich   2044.Retort         
2860.Beckett(C)        2345#bagarozy   2157 ratty     2039^gung           
2839.Ariela(GM)        2292^SCARLETTE  2129 Berowne   2026^llomand        
2763 Matsanovic        2277 Don-Nadie  2108#Genius64  2023.BacheGabrielsen
2728:StarkL            2250^usommer    2063^cordewit  2020#McFly          
2445^salka             ---- Hayou      2061^mtg  

The players are sorted according to the maximum of the active ratings.
(The B, b, d, L, s, and w flags described in "help who1" adjust this.)

Each player listed has their rating to the left of their username, and
perhaps one of the following symbols: ^#.:~ 

  ^   That player is currently playing a game.
  #   That player is currently examining a game.
  .   That player is "idle" for at least 5 minutes (hasn't sent a command to
      ICC recently).
  :   That player is not open for match challenges.
  ~   That player is currently giving a simul (playing multiple games 

Also, in the listing, titled players will have their title displayed next
to their username.  "help titles" lists the possible titles.

There are a number of optional flags, that select which players to show and
how to show them.  Do "help who1" to see them.

See also: ratings, register, set, players, definitions, who1, who2, titles