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***** EXAMINE *****   

Command : examine
Usage   : examine []
Examples: "examine" -- create a scratch game, you play both sides.
          "examine Darooha 17" -- examines game 17 in Darooha's history
          "examine 5" -- examines game 5 in your search list, if you have done a search. 
          "examine %5" -- examines game 5 in your personal library.

Once you're an examiner of a game, the following commands are available:

forward           "help forward"
backward          "help backward"
revert            "help revert"
circle            "help circle"
arrow             "help arrow"
mexamine          "help mexamine"
result            "help result"
tag               "help tag"
wq@c4             (and other board-editing commands) 
loadfen           "help loadfen"
copygame          "help copygame"
annotate          "help annotate"
libkeepexam       "help libraries"

The examine command is used to examine adjourned games or finished games.
Examine mode can also be used to analyze a game that was played or is
being played somewhere besides ICC (see "help broadcast").

To examine Darooha's last game, do "examine Darooha -1".  If you had
an adjourned game against WimpC, you could look at it with
"examine WimpC".  There are also ways to refer to a game in a library list,
a search hit list, or your correspondence game cc-list.  See
"help sposition" for more information about game references.

To automatically examine each of your games after you finish it, do
"set examine 1".  Often your opponent will also have this set, and you
can do a little post-mortem analysis together.

To examine a game beginning in the starting position, type "examine",
or match yourself.  You can then make moves for both sides.

While in examine mode, you can use "forward" and "backward" to move
through the moves.  You can also make moves and explore variations.
When finished with the side variation, type "revert" to get back to
the main line.  Hitting the Enter (Return) key is equivalent to typing
"forward 1".  "Forward 10" moves you through the next 10 moves of the
game.  "Backward 10" is similar.

The circle and arrow commands can help with analysis, if your interface
supports them.  See "help circle" and "help arrow".

To add Darooha to the list of people who can move pieces in the game you
are examining, do "mexamine Darooha".  (For this to work, Darooha must
be observing the game, and must not be playing or examining another game.)

You can also edit the position while in examine mode.  Doing this
discards the previous game history.  To drop a white queen on c4, type
"wq@c4" or just "Q@c4".  To drop a black queen, type "bq@c4" or "q@c4".
To empty the square c4, type "x@c4".

The command "clearboard" will clear all the pieces off the board of the
game you are examining.  This is useful after matching yourself, to
setup a position using the edit commands described above.

The command "tomove black" makes it Black's turn to move.  Like
the editing commands, this discards the move list.  Some interfaces
don't correctly display games where Black moves first.  "tomove white"
also works.

The command "reverse" swaps the colors of all the pieces, and
also which side of the board they're on.  It also swaps the names
of the players.

Another way to set up a position is with the loadfen command.
See "help loadfen".

To exit the examine mode, do "unexamine".

Other commands available in examine mode include "circle",
"arrow", "result", "tag", "setwhiteclock", "setblackclock",
"libkeepexam", "copygame", "annotate", and "settimecontrol",
"setwhitename", "setblackname".

See also: mexamine, search, libraries, unexamine, forward, backward,
          revert, history, copygame, primary, broadcast, sposition,
          annotate, result, loadfen, circle, arrow, tag