Personal Notes

Hello! My name is Chuck Adelman. I used to have personal information here, but took it off. If you get to know me well, then you will find out why!

I barely play chess anymore....I am a very recreational player...You won't be the first one to ask me, "Are you REALLY an FM?"

"Can you take pain? Do you think you can handle it?" "Oh yes - I hope so!"

"So why weren't you liked by the Chicago Police Department?"

"I like that boulder. That is a NICE boulder."

"When the postman don't come on Valentine's Day, and Santa don't come on Christmas Day, and the umbrella don't open on a rainy day, DON'T ASK ME, I ALREADY KNOW!"

"They pat some good boys on the back, and put some to the rod, but I never thought they'd put me in the Goon Squad"

My handle is named after the best possible reply to a well thought out, detailed, lucid statement.

That which does not make you stronger, will kill you.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 2001 Best 2540 (22/Nov/1998)
Type Bullet Rating 2132 Best 2272 (14/Jul/1996)
Type Bughouse Rating 2005 Best 2169 (29/Aug/1997)
