Personal Notes

Random wilds time odds works like this:

The higher rated player always gets black and draw odds and 1 minute on his clock.

The only exception is in the final, where the higher rated player plays white. Black has draw odds.

The lower rated player gets 4 minutes in round 1, 3 minutes in round 2, 2 minutes in round 3, and 1 minute in the final.

The tourney is elimination style, so if you lose or draw with white you are out.

The pairings are done sort of like a swiss: in the first round, the highest rated player plays the 9th highest rated, the 2nd highest plays the 10th highest, etc. In round 2 the highest rated player remaining plays the 5th highest, 2 plays 6, and so forth.

All games are w29 - random wilds. "help wild" for the rules.

Game abort is strictly against the rules. Any abort would count as a loss to the one initiated it.

Wild rating is the only rating that counts for pairings. In some game types (losers, crazyhouse) you will see other ratings on the board. This pairing is irrelevant for the tourney.

Server Ratings

This user has not played any rated games yet.
