Personal Notes

My friends here are luke21, and judapriest : not many friends but bests friends!!!

vieuxroux(72): et tu es fabien avec ton jean saumon qui pue ?

lib puce13 : look at the game %19 : great puce13 !!!

Puce13 : 1 - VUJOVIC : 0 (il me doit 10 balles ce gros porc!!!)

MrXYZ2(IM) tells you: 13 I am an IM and you are a dirty rat!

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O~/ oo \~O

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Et oui c'est bien judapriest le 01/01/2000 !!

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1681 Best
Type Blitz Rating 2378 Best 2536 (06/Feb/2000)
Type Standard Rating 2158 Best
Type Bullet Rating 2075 Best 2440 (22/Jan/2000)
Type Bughouse Rating 1690 Best 1987 (17/Apr/1999)
Type Loser's Rating 1520 Best 1701 (12/Jun/1999)
