Personal Notes

Nuggi Michael Vemmer is my name but friends call me Knox

E-mail : /yahoo messenger id : nvemmer / skype id : knoxon / MSN messenger id :

Living in the freetown of Christiania

Long live ICC...

SAXO Chessclub is the best club in Copenhagen...even in poker ! :)

Some players play blindfolded chess,but after a lot of training i have learned how to play without brain and my new projekt is deaf chess !!!

People of the world,unite and defeat the US aggressors and all their running dogs! People of the world,be courageous,dare to fight,defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave. MAO 28 nov 1964

History repeats itself !!!

Im often Online on mobile android and connection often sucks so sorry for that.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1317 Best
Type Standard Rating 1624 Best
Type Bullet Rating 1537 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 1788 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 980 Best
