Personal Notes

Bert Enderton, now living in sunny California

I was ICC's chief programmer for many years, and am still an admin. But I've moved on to a job at another company.

SJLIM found a good anagram of my name: "No Better Nerd"

Play with time increments! That way if you reach the endgame you get to play it out, instead of just having a mouse-moving race.

Try out TrainingBot and ProblemBot! "help TrainingBot" and "help ProblemBot" for information

"play KBNk" to practice mating with bishop & knight against my endgame robot. Also try playing KQk, KRk, KBBk, KQkn, KRkn, and KQkr! KQkr is hard.

See "help Recorder" if you're interested in making new lectures for MrSpock or whatever.

My other bots include the Wimp, Bullet, Bach and Slow series, GuessTheMove, FindName, Team1, and various bots for administrative and back-end functionality.

Blitzin 2.52 has been released. See

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1994 Best 2053 (30/Nov/1999)
Type Blitz Rating 1733 Best 1810 (18/Feb/1998)
Type Standard Rating 1733 Best
Type Bullet Rating 1319 Best 1896 (15/Nov/1997)
Type Bughouse Rating 2058 Best 2392 (12/Jun/1997)
Type Loser's Rating 1406 Best
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1879 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 1420 Best 1422 (24/Oct/2002)
Type 1-minute Rating 1200 Best 1232 (02/May/2002)
