Personal Notes

I am Demre Kerigan 21 y.o from Turkey/Bodrum.My best friends on ICC are ThuG,Motion,m-tuzel,zumbubay,alec-805,jack-oneill.

I have an elo rating of 2426

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Name : Demre Kerigan

E-mail :

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1531 Best 1538 (21/Oct/2014)
Type Blitz Rating 2237 Best 2513 (01/Nov/2009)
Type Standard Rating 2032 Best 2135 (14/Jun/2010)
Type Bullet Rating 1988 Best 2004 (12/Oct/2012)
Type Bughouse Rating 1326 Best 1326 (15/Jun/2011)
Type Loser's Rating 1481 Best 1525 (22/Feb/2010)
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1602 Best 1617 (19/Oct/2014)
Type 5-minute Rating 2202 Best 2463 (31/Oct/2011)
Type 1-minute Rating 2102 Best 2268 (27/Jan/2015)
Type 15-minute Rating 1946 Best 1971 (04/Mar/2015)
Type 3-minute Rating 2128 Best 2251 (28/Jan/2015)
Type Chess960 Rating 1682 Best
