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On February 2, at 9PM ICC Time, : The Zilbermintz Gambit Theoretical match : featuring NM Evan Rabin vs. Lev Zilbermintz

: NM Evan Rabin (ICC Handle Swlabr) has challenged : Opening theoretician Lev Zilbermintz (ICC Handle Levius)

to defend his creation 'the Zilbermintz Gambit : (1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 Nc6 3. Nf3 Nge7)

in a 10 game blitz match on ICC.

Lev is upset that his opening was recently questioned by NIC author, : Valery Bronznik, of 1. d4 Beating the Guerrillas,

who states that "1. d4 e5 is quite an unsound opening, : including the Zilbermints gambit."

Lev is convinced that his opening is sound and is determined to show

it in this match.

The 10 game match time control is 5 0 where there is 14H. : Nick Panico III will be the acting T.D.

"liblist Zilbermintz12" for the games : : Match won by NM Evan Rabin (ICC Handle Swlabr) 7-3

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