Personal Notes

Good evening, ladies and gentleman. We're tonight's, entertainment.

ooooooo you wanna play come on

If we, don't deal with this now, soon, little gamble here, won't be able to get a nickel for his grandma

Are you the real batman?

Why helllo beautiful, you look nervous. And you are beautiful

Me, I was right here. Who did you leave him with, hmmm? Your people? Assuming of course that they still are your people.

Lets not blow, this out of proportion

See this is how crazy batman's made gotham. You want order in gotham, batman must take off his mask.

You've changed things. Forever. There's no going back

I just did what I do best. I took Gotham's White Knight, and brought him down, to our level.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 3000 Best 3222 (27/Aug/2008)
Type 5-minute Rating 2318 Best 2501 (24/Aug/2008)
Type 1-minute Rating 2083 Best 2127 (26/Aug/2008)
