Personal Notes

World Open June 29 - July 7 Philadelphia :

Final standings open section 9 rounds

1- 9 7.0 Akobian Ehlvest Finegold Miton Onischuk : Rowson Smirin Wojtkiewicz Yusupov

10-14 6.5 Ibragimov Muhammad Paschall Perelshteyn Yudasin

15-36 5.5 Anka Ashley Burnett Fedorowicz Garcia : Kalikshteyn Kaufman Kreiman Lapshun Lein Mikhailuk : Morovic Rohde Schmaltz Shulman Siegel Smith Stripunsky

Strugatsky Summerscale Tegshsuren Vovsha

Qualifiers to the 2003 US Championship : Kreiman Perelshteyn Burnett Lapshun Tegshsuren Shiber

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