Personal Notes

Chess is probably the greatest game ever invented on earth!

Success comes by a lot of Hard-work and working Hard Pays off eventually

Im Amazed at Some of the Superb Games i Play Sometimes...

Everyone has their own Dreams: I Hope to be become a GM Someday!

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1065 Best 1730 (11/Jan/2003)
Type Standard Rating 1195 Best 1551 (15/Jun/2008)
Type Bullet Rating 993 Best 1092 (11/Aug/2010)
Type 5-minute Rating 859 Best 957 (12/Jul/2005)
Type 1-minute Rating 647 Best 691 (11/Feb/2006)
Type 15-minute Rating 1114 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 731 Best
