Personal Notes

Santo Domingo Open November 27 - December 5 : Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic : (Spanish and English)

10 round swiss : Games start 6:00 PM except rounds 4 and 10 9:00 AM : ICC had LIVE COVERAGE,

3rd GM norm for Ramirez (LittlePeasant) : Final standings 10 rounds 146 players

1- 9 7.5 Campora Delgado de Vreugt Kiriakov Milov Moiseenko : Nisipeanu Ramirez B.Socko

10-14 7.0 Bruzon Ehlvest Khenkin Luther Nakamura

15-26 6.5 Alekseev de la Paz Hennigan Kallio Mateo Mosquera : Oms Pallise Stefansson Stern Vera Zapata Zarnicki

Weather : : Scattered Clouds. High: 82F/28C Low: 77F/25C


Time: start with 90 minutes. Add 30 seconds after each move. : Type "liblist SantoDomingo03" for games

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