Personal Notes

At present there are approximately 960 million hungry in the world. Every day 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes, about one very five seconds. These figures are from the FAO, a division of the UN and are unquestionable.

These two statistics tell you all you need to know about capitalism as a world system.

To deny or simply not to care about this vast suffering is deny your very humanity.

Only 20% of the world's population have access to the intenet. So, no matter how poor you might consider yourself, if you can read this you are in the top 20% worldwide.

The only problem in this otherwise lovely world is the greed of the rich. This is a corrolary to 2 Timothy 6:10 "Love of money is the root of all evil."

One for eris and similar hysterical killjoys >>> The Nazis tried to ban smoking too and we fought a world war against them. Tolerance is a fine thing you know. There is space enough for non-smokers and smokers. Pubs closing benefits no-one.

Some things you don't need to worry about: global warming, passive smoking, welfare fraudsters, recreational drugs, "binge-drinking", illegal immigration, al-qaeda (doesn't exist), little green men from Mars. This list may grow.

Increasingly the Healthists and Warmists resemble each other; as the evidence mounts against them they become ever more strident and hysterical. Now we are supposed to be concerned about 3rd hand smoke or smoking in the open air. Common sense will prevail eventually.

My virtual novel for *ADULTS* is finished now:- You probably won't like it. I have made my channel tell and played my last game here: I have misplayed my last opening, botched my last middle-game, missed my last obvious fork, made my last unsound sacrifice, blundered my last queen and lost my last drawn endgame. Goodbye!

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Type Wild Rating 1283 Best
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Type Loser's Rating 1273 Best
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1235 Best 1425 (13/Nov/2001)
Type 5-minute Rating 1432 Best 1686 (19/Mar/2002)
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Type Chess960 Rating 1066 Best
