Personal Notes

***** 8 PM U1500 STTOURNEY MANAGER INFORMATION ***** Thank you for managing! This guide along with the grid information in "Finger ST8pm-TD" should provide what is needed to run the tourney. >See help file for more information: ~~~

----- General Information ----- STtourney is "Come and Go" so no DR points are given (except for behavior). Some players leave so they can play in another Bot tourney so they will need to be added back before pairing. Please don't wait long after the Start time for even pairings (slow TC). ~~~

- Important Notes - To Start Round 1 type: * Tell Automato start * - Rounds 2-4: * Tell Automato Pause off * - You must Pause the tourney before the games are finished during Rounds 1-3: * Tell Automato pause on * - When complete the Bot notifies you that it is paused: * Tell Automato unmanage ! ~~~

--- Channel Tells --- Manage in Channel 32 but also monitor 226 and 227. - Besides normal tells please announce: (1-4) "Those who are not waiting when we start will not be paired. Please check your status by typing: /Tell 220 Status ... It should say .Waiting - If not, please inform me."

(1-4) "If you wish to leave the tourney for any reason type: /Tell Automato Leave - If you want back in after leaving please let the TD know before the round is paired so your Status is correct." (2-4) "If you didn't join in time to play last round you can type: /Tell Automato latejoin to play." ~~~

= ROUND 1 = Take file: * tell automato take cmd/sttourney/st8pmu1500 * => Don't Start the U1500 with less than 8 players. If we have less than 8 players at Start Time => Abort Automato and ask players to join the open, please hold the start a few minutes to give players a chance to join Pear. ~~~

== ROUND 2 == * Tell Automato Manage * (If taking over from another manager type: * Tell Automato Manage ! * ) ==> * Tell automato tset latejoin 1 * Remove No-Shows before starting: * Tell automato forfeit &10 * ~~~

=== ROUND 3 === * Tell Automato Manage * (If taking over type: * Tell Automato Manage ! * ) ===> * Tell automato tset max_bye 0 * ===> * Tell automato tset latejoin 2 * ===> * Tell automato forfeit &10 * ~~~

==== ROUND 4 ==== * Tell Automato Manage * (If taking over: * Tell automato Manage ! * ) ====> * Tell automato tset latejoin 3 * ====> * Tell automato forfeit &10 * (As usual just before starting the round) ~~~

/////// Reporting \\\\\\\ Thanks again for Stepping up and helping our fellow club members enjoy a fun Standard Tourney. Please message Chesskix and let me know that you had to fill in and of course any questions or concerns. Also, we are looking for another full time STtourney Manager.

Server Ratings

This user has not played any rated games yet.
