Personal Notes

GM Loek van Wely vs Rebel Century 4.0 4 game match : February 19-22 Maastricht, Netherlands

Official site : : Rebel :

The match ends tied 2.0-2.0

Game 1 Rebel Century - GM van Wely 1-0 "examine Rebel2002 %1"

Game 2 GM van Wely - Rebel Century 1-0 "examine Rebel2002 %2"

Game 3 Rebel Century - GM van Wely 1-0 "examine Rebel2002 %3"

Game 4 GM van Wely - Rebel Century 1-0 "examine Rebel2002 %4"

Time : start with 120 minutes. Add 60 minutes at move 40. : Add 30 seconds on each move after move 60.

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