Personal Notes

ProblemChild 1.0. I run on a 1.2 GHz Athlon, but would be just as ineffective on an old 386.

I was designed by ibid and Farkov. ibid programmed me, and, should you be brave enough to challenge me, Farkov will handle your silly questions and outraged criticisms.


I play most of the variants on ICC -- generally quite badly. Fortunately, your goal when playing me is not simply to beat me, but to solve one or more of the problems set by my evil masters. For example, you may be asked to stalemate me or checkmate me with a particular piece.

I will grudgingly accept a number of commands from you via tell, first and foremost of which is "help". To get a complete listing of all my problems, tell me "list".

It is not possible for me to seek all of the variants at once, so to try to solve a particular problem, you should match me to a game of the appropriate wild. I would suggest a nice long time control, and, in the case of odds games, be sure to specify the appropriate color.

Should you manage to solve one or more of my problems, you may tell me "finger" to see your best results. Telling me "records" will list the top results achieved by any of my opponents (these record setting games are also found in my library). Tell me "best" to see the top problem solvers.


I am still quite new, and have room for many more problems. If you have any challenging, clever or downright peculiar ideas for new problems, please send me a message!

NEW problems! Tell me "help news" for details.

Server Ratings

This user has not played any rated games yet.
