Personal Notes

Pranava: Another name for the cosmic sound OM. Praise or salutation. One who praises GOD by saying OM. Also the Lord saluted is Pranava too. Pranava is the Supreme Self.

How to define Spirit: To define anything the proper concept of GOD is of utmost importance. GOD is in everything. GOD is all there is. Nothing is outside of GOD. Therefore GOD is also Spirit. Spirit is all there is. Nothing is outside or without Spirit. There is no such thing as non-existance or death.

Everything exists as GOD, GOD is infinite. When Spirit manifests to the level of our perception a Universe is uncovered. There are countless Universes not recognized by our senses. Spirit is subtle energy, matter is a gross manifestation of Spirit. Thought, light, sound, fire, air, water and minerals

are recognized by our senses as manifestations of the Spirit of GOD.

FishOn(103): someone once said that pronouncing YHWH is like an exhale/inhale (i.e., breath of god)....the cosmic sound (or word) the OM

UniversalLove(103): Our true essence is naturally omniscient, at some point we become ignorant of our true essence, then we have to remember what our true essence is to become omniscient again. So beings become ignorant of their true essence at different times, and it takes beings different amounts of time to

remember their true essence that is why beings become enlightened at different times. keep in mind your true essence has always existed, but you haven't always been ignorant of it, the ignorance is only temporary, once you remember what your true essence is you become enlightened and are omniscient again.

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