Personal Notes

Birmingham Alabama, USA.

"Even if your mouse slips, falls, breaks both its legs, and is hopping around on tiny little crutches ... you're still not getting a takeback." (Unless I'm in a good mood, it doesn't hurt to ask, but don't get your feelings hurt if I ignor your request..)

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1094 Best 1387 (04/Oct/2003)
Type Standard Rating 1562 Best 1645 (05/Jan/2005)
Type Bullet Rating 856 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 804 Best 1128 (11/Nov/2001)
Type 1-minute Rating 1115 Best
Type 15-minute Rating 1439 Best 1669 (23/Apr/2008)
Type 25-minute Rating 1554 Best 1583 (23/Feb/2016)
