Personal Notes

I play bullet when pissed . What a load of shit....... 1 min chess?!

Wankers include : Garbage31 for playing 31 moves R+K .v. R+K to win on time

Olegas added to wanker list for the same as above, this time playing 14 moves

Gabarchuk added to wanker list playing 40 moves my R+P versus his R trying to win on time

Schiller added to list R+K versus R+K 30 moves to win on time

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1744 Best 1830 (23/Jun/2020)
Type Bullet Rating 1700 Best 1711 (23/Jun/2020)
Type 5-minute Rating 1988 Best 2257 (01/Mar/2016)
Type 1-minute Rating 1822 Best 1940 (21/May/2020)
Type 3-minute Rating 1932 Best 1950 (18/Jun/2020)
Type 25-minute Rating 1766 Best
