Personal Notes

Nathan Hoover : Minneapolis, MN USA : FIDE Elo = 2171 : Best Elo = 2275

{Game 412 (petla vs. PatzerNH) petla checkmated} 0-1 : Type "examine PatzerNH %13" to view that game.

ROBOadmin(* C) s-shouts: *** GRANDMASTER Gentelman is playing PatzerNH!! : Type "examine PatzerNH %6" to view that game.

ROBOadmin(* C) s-shouts: *** GRANDMASTER cendrier is playing PatzerNH!! : Type "examine PatzerNH %11" to view that game.

{Game 198 (wschill vs. PatzerNH) wschill resigns} 0-1 : Type "examine PatzerNH %14" to view that game.

{Game 943 (julkat2007 vs. PatzerNH) julkat2007 checkmated} 0-1 : Type "examine PatzerNH %16" to view that game.

Here is one of my most wild games, but not necessarily well played... : Type "examine PatzerNH %19" to view.

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 2062 Best
Type Blitz Rating 1870 Best 2125 (31/Oct/2007)
Type Bullet Rating 1726 Best 1798 (19/Nov/2001)
Type 5-minute Rating 1767 Best 1767 (03/Jun/2007)
