Personal Notes

In memory of gomer whose wit and wisdom will be sorely missed. RIP

emcutting has passed away and leaves a legacy to all chessplayers on the road to improvement. He was a king amonst pawns and will be remembered, always

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Congratulations to gomers Goolie Crushers, LeKumara Kings and LeRampant Rooks for reaching the playoffs of t44. I hope that all lechessies will get behind LeTeams and support them to the finals

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clalauquen(FM) will be running a Play the Master session every Monday at 19:00. This is a 15 5 game followed immediately by analysis. If you would like to play clalauquen(FM) then please send me a message

polydamas (IM) will be running a Play the Master session every Tuesday at 16:00. This is a 15 15 game followed immediately by analysis. If you would like to play polydamas (IM) then please send me a message

AugustoCaruso (NM) will be running a Play the Master session every Wednesday at 14:00. This is a 15 5 game followed immediately by analysis. If you would like to play AugustoCaruso then please send me a message

Le Chess Club is also on facebook and is open to all lechessies. Do a FaceBook search for Le Chess Club then simply join and identify yourself by stating your ICC handle

We are currently working on our new website.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 982 Best
Type Standard Rating 1092 Best
