Personal Notes

Vladimir Kramnik - David Howell March 1 London, England

TWIC: : Sponsor: Einstein TV

FM David Howell is 11, FIDE rating 2237 : GM Vladimir Kramnik is 26, FIDE rating 2809

4 games at 5 0

Kramnik 3.5 - Howell 0.5 - Earns David Howell the world record as the youngest person ever to have scored against a reigning World Champion in single combat. (Kramnik is the BGN World Champion)

Game 1 Howell - Kramnik 0-1 "examine Kramnik-Howell %1"

Game 2 Kramnik - Howell 1-0 "examine Kramnik-Howell %2"

Game 3 Howell - Kramnik 0-1 "examine Kramnik-Howell %3"

Game 4 Kramnik - Howell 1/2 "examine Kramnik-Howell %4"

Kramnik - "The position was equal, so I offered a draw."

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